
blog is the place where i write without thinking..so jgn terase..=))

well,i'm the owner of this blog..

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a simple girl..has the BEST parents in the WORLD!!.even i have a small family but it full with love and care..

Monday, January 25, 2010

ini budak name die wafa..aku syg giler kt die..hrinie die da genap 17 tahun!da tua..hehehe..tp masih cun dihati aku smpai bile2..(wlaupun umur da 700 tahun pn)..hahaha..HAPPY BIRTHDAY WAFA!!! aku sentiase doakan ko semoga pnjg umo, mrh rezeki n berjaya dalm kehidupan ko!.taw2!! syg ko!

ko dtg dlm hidup aku xde warning pun n ko trus stay dlm hti aku..xkuar2!! yey!! aku brtuah dpt knl ko! ingat tu!! n lg 1 ingat mse kite nyanyi kt karaoke..lgu tu straight dri hti aku..taw2!! love u badak air!!

p/s: jgn mara aku ltak gamba nie!=p syg ko!

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